Veganskt matskeið av á hesum sinni

Posted in:
27. December 2020

Her eru myndir frá jóladøgurðanum, har luttakarar gjørdy Butterdejspakkar við champignon og spinat, quinoa salat við reyðrótum og rósinkál, ovnbaka græskar við chili og appelsin og brúnasós við Blomkál. Omaná var chiagreytur við kompot og golden milk. Eisini høvdu luttakararnir tíð at spæla pakkaspæl - hettar var bara ein góður endi á eitt væleydnað skeið í veganskari matgerð í heystglottum. Undirvísari Paula Báralíð fer í barsil.

New homepage

Posted in: Courses
29. September 2020

For some time, the evening school has used Facebook page, “tvøroyrar kvøld – og ungdómsskúli” to inform residents on different courses. The Facebook page was also made to provide an opportunity for residents to share their opinions and feedback on the evening school and a possibility to communicate directly to the manager. This was a huge success. As a result of this success, the evening school has established a website of its own. This is intended for those who do not have Facebook to also have the opportunity to be part of receiving new information as well as have the ability to communicate directly with the evening school. The address to the website will be, which stands for evening and continuation school.

Learn embroidery

Posted in: Courses
20. September 2020

Hesar damurnar hava broderað alt vikuskiftið á tamb saman við Eydnu Dalsgaard, undirvísara hjá Tórshavnar Kvøldskúla! Hetta er ein liður í eini røð av trimum vikuskiftum vid undirvísaranum Eydnu Dalsgaard úr Havn. Tær hava lært ymsar nýggjar teknikkir at brúka. Næstu skeiðini verða í februar og mars